in-depth, technical Analysis of your athlete

Assessments deepen our insight into each player, identifying their unique needs, establishing a starting point, addressing weaknesses, refining our tailored training program, and fostering ongoing progress.


Our formal assessments go beyond mere observation. They serve as critical checkpoints to evaluate the effectiveness of individualized components within an athlete's training program, aimed at enhancing specific skills. It's common for athletes and their parents to encounter frustration in a cycle where coaches continually tweak mechanics without tangible improvements. While correcting poor technique is crucial, we recognize a deeper issue...

Pitching and hitting discussions often overlook crucial factors like mobility and stability. Merely altering mechanics isn't impactful if an athlete's movement is hindered by limitations in mobility or stability.

Our assessments play a pivotal role in shaping our training approach. We understand that multiple factors contribute to performance, so we utilize cutting-edge technology to uncover what may not be visible to the naked eye.

This is why our assessments begin by uncovering an athlete's essential metrics: mobility and strength.

This is Pipeline.

Pitching Assessment

Analysis by Rapsodo

Experience precise, professional-grade data with Rapsodo's camera and radar technology. Our baseball flight monitors integrate seamlessly, offering instant, real-time feedback on your mechanics for a deeper understanding of your progress. Unlock your full potential with our data-driven products.

Hitting Assessment

Analysis by Hittrax

Utilize Hittrax to elevate your training experience with real-time statistics, essential metrics, advanced video analysis, trend reports, and other valuable insights. Players also enjoy using Hittrax for hitting sessions, as it allows for more repetitions, leading to improved performance.